Yvonne Han

Yvonne Han

Korean-American lead designer at Name Radiance and part-time contributor to Fuji Daily on media & pop culture.

Visual Kei: Japan’s Punk Band Fashion Subculture

Teru, Kamijo and Hizaki from Versailles Philharmonic Quintet in Santiago Chile with their signature visual kei style.

Visual kei (AKA VK), is a uniquely Japanese music and fashion subculture that emerged in the late 1980s. It stands as one of Japan’s most distinctive music and fashion movements combining theatrical performances dramatic makeup and elaborate costumes. This unique…

Menhera: The Sad Reality Behind the Cute Face

4 variations of the Kurumi-chan LINE sticker, a popular character depicting Menhera.

Have you ever stumbled upon this cute LINE sticker character with the black hoodie just being cute? Her name is Kurumi-chan. She’s actually one of many faces of a cute but concerning fashion subculture called Menhera (Short for mental health).…

Monaka Ice Cream: Crispy, Chewy, Delicious

A monaka chocolate ice cream bar cut in half and placed on a table next to a ruler for size reference.

Heya ice cream lovers! Today, we’ll talk about Japan’s version of the ice cream sandwich: Monaka ice cream. Never heard of it? Good, I’m here to give you the scoop (pun totally intended 😉). What is monaka even? First things…

Tokyo Disneyland’s Secret Dance Cult

Baymax dancing in the middle of a massive crowd.

If everybody you knew broke in spontaneous dance at Disneyland, would you join them? Welcome to a classic segment of “oh Japan!”. Assuming you don’t know much about Japanese people, you might not have known that Japanese people are obsessed…